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Your Water's Journey

Graphic of water traveling through complex water system

From Source to Tap

It all starts with a raindrop on the Mount Tamalpais Watershed. Learn more about the complex local system your water travels through to ensure it is clean, safe and delivered to your tap every time you need it.  Use the buttons below to navigate to various steps of our water's journey.



Collected on the watershed and the hills of west Marin

Rain fills five reservoirs on the Mount Tamalpais Watershed and two in the west Marin County hills. District staff steward these 22,000 acres, leveraging outside funding sources to keep consumer costs low while working to reduce wildfire intensity and promote forest health. The costly work is critical to help foster a resilient, healthy watershed -- the foundation of 75% of the water produced for our customers. To reliably serve all of central and southern Marin, we maintain a partnership with Sonoma Water to purchase fresh drinking water from the Russian River.