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Board & Committee Meetings Overview

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Board Meetings

Time:  6:30 p.m. 
Note: If a Closed Session is scheduled for a board meeting date, it will be held either before or after the Open Session.

Date:  Held the first and third Tuesdays of each month

Location:  Marin Water Administration Building - 220 Nellen Avenue, Corte Madera
Note: Meetings are also livestreamed via Zoom so the public may participate in person or remotely. Links and dial-in information for remote participation are posted on the meeting agendas and on the Meetings and Agendas Hub

Agendas:  The agendas for Board Meetings are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting and can be accessed on the Meetings and Agendas Hub

  • Walk through the key features of the Meetings and Agendas Hub with this guide.  

Open Session: The open session of the regular meeting is held in the Board Room of Marin Water’s Administration Building and generally begins at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to observe and participate in all open sessions of board meetings. The open sessions of regular board meetings are livestreamed so that the public may attend in person or participate remotely with their computer/smart device or phone. Links and dial-in information for remote participation are posted on the meeting agendas and on the Meetings and Agendas Hub

Closed Sessions: Closed sessions are typically held in the Mount Tam room of the Administration meeting prior to or after the Open Session. Members of the public may comment on any closed session item prior to the closed session and according to the order of agenda items. 

Public Comment in Advance or During Meetings


In Advance of the Meeting:  Submit your written comments in advance of the meeting by emailing them to All emailed comments received 24-hours before the start of the meeting will be provided to the Board of Directors prior to the meeting. Please do not include personal information in your comment such as phone numbers and home addresses. 

During the Meeting: Typically, you will have 3 minutes to make your public comment, however, the board president may shorten the amount of time for public comment due to a large numbers of attendees. Additionally, pursuant to government code, section 54954.2 of the Brown Act, the Board may not take action or discuss any item that does not appear on the agenda. Procedures for making comment during the meeting are as follows:

  • In-Person Attendee: Fill out a speaker card and provide to the board secretary before or during the meeting. List the number of the agenda item(s), for which you would like to provide a comment. Once you’re called, proceed to the public comment podium.
  • Remote Attendee: If you have joined the meeting via Zoom using a computer or smart device, click on the “raise hand” button on the bottom of the Zoom screen. If you are joining by phone and would like to comment, press *9 to indicate you would like to comment. Staff will use the last four digits of your phone number to call on you (please dial *6 to mute/unmute yourself). 

Committee Meetings 

Marin Water’s Board of Directors have four standing committees that meet regularly as outlined below. Meetings are held in the Administration Board Room and are also livestreamed via Zoom to allow for the public to participate in-person or remotely by computer/smart device or by phone. Links and dial-in information for the meetings are posted on the agendas and on the Meetings and Agendas Hub

Note: Per paragraph 3 on page 10 under subsection Committee Meetings of the Board Handbook, the Board, as a practice, generally does not take final action on items during committee meetings, unless District staff determines the urgency of the item requires immediate action that cannot be delayed until a subsequent regular bi-monthly Board meeting.

  • Meetings are held quarterly on the third Wednesday of February, May, August, and November at 9:30 a.m.
  • Meeting discussions cover various matters related to Marin Water's external communications and public outreach as well as water-use efficiency programs and activities, including drought planning when necessary.
  • Appointed Committee Members:
    • Ranjiv Khush, Chair
    • Jed Smith, Vice Chair

  • Meetings are held on the third Friday of every month at 9:30 a.m.  
  • The committee reviews proposed contracts for capital projects and facilities maintenance, consulting agreements, pipeline extension agreements, variance requests, leasing proposals, disposal of surplus real estate, and various other matters relating to facilities and operations.
  • Appointed Committee Members:
    • Larry Russell, Chair
    • Ranjiv Khush, Vice Chair

  • Meetings are held on the fourth Friday of every month at 9:30 a.m.  
  • The Committee discusses matters related to the district’s finances such as rates, debt, and budget, along with administration items such as the review and update of policies.
  • Appointed Committee Members:
    • Jed Smith, Chair
    • Monty Schmitt, Vice Chair

  • Meetings are held quarterly on the third Thursday of March, June, September, and December at 1:30 p.m. 
  • The Committee discusses matters related to the district’s watershed and reservoirs such as protection of the fishery, vegetation management, management of recreational uses, and sources of revenues.
  • Appointed Committee Members:
    • Matt Samson, Chair
    • Monty Schmitt, Vice Chair

Video Recordings of Prior Board and Committee Meetings

The public may view video recordings of previous board and committee meetings, from 2000 onward, by going to the meeting dates of when the meetings occurred on the Meetings and Agendas Hub

Contact the Board Secretary

For questions or for additional information about board meetings, committees, and agendas, contact Board Secretary Terrie Gillen at 415.945.1448 or email