Dec. 1, 2023
Creek Notes: Holiday Returns
Greetings! Eric Ettlinger from Marin Water’s fisheries team here with news of the first salmon sightings of the season.
The salmon of Lagunitas Creek have returned! During a kayak survey on November 14 (yes, it’s a great job!) Marin Water biologists observed the first coho and Chinook salmon of the season at the mouth of the creek, apparently waiting for rain before starting their migrations upstream. A few days later, heavy rain seems to have provided the flow they needed, and last week our team observed coho salmon congregating in deep pools farther upstream. A few Chinook salmon were seen spawning as far upstream as Marin Water’s Leo T. Cronin Fish Viewing Area, and at least one adult salmon, species unknown, was observed in Forest Knolls, swimming up San Geronimo Creek.
When we resume surveys later this week we’ll be looking for a few things. Have other salmon species also arrived (e.g., pink and chum salmon)? Where and how many salmon have spawned so far? How many salmon are currently waiting for the next round of rain to continue their migrations? Check back here for periodic updates on what we’re seeing.
-Eric Ettlinger
Aquatic Ecologist
Photo: A female Chinook salmon digging a redd (gravel nest) at the Fish Viewing Area (photo credit: George Osner)