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Water Meters

We can assist you with information regarding installation of new or upgraded water meters, dedicated fire line connections, or water main extensions.

If you have questions about installing a new water service connection, please call our Engineering Services Department between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday at 415.945.1530.

To apply for a new water service connection, complete and submit the Project Information Form.

Your form will be reviewed by Marin Water's Engineering, Water Conservation and Backflow Departments. Please allow 10-14 business days for this review. Marin Water will then provide all requirements, fees, and forms required for the new connection.

For a step-by-step guide to the water service application process, please refer to the Water Service Checklist.

Dedicated Irrigation Meters for Commercial Properties

Commercial customers who want to install a new dedicated irrigation meter need to complete and pass Marin Water's Landscape Plan Review process prior to payment of the installation and connection fees.


If you remodel or add on to your existing residence, the installation of a fire sprinkler system may be required by fire code. Your existing water meter may not provide sufficient water flow to operate the fire sprinkler system and may need to be upgraded. To begin the process to upgrade your existing water meter, please see the Water Service Checklist.


Any changes in use at an existing commercial property may require the upgrade of the water meter to provide additional water flow. To begin the process to upgrade your existing water meter, please see the Water Service Checklist.

Relocating a Water Meter

For information regarding relocating your existing water meter, please contact the Engineering Services Department at 415.945.1530.

Connection Fees

Connection fees are one-time charges for new customers to connect to the district’s water system, and for existing customers who want to increase their existing allotment. The fee reflects the estimated reasonable cost of capacity used to meet the demand. Please see Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges for current connection fee.

The annual consumption for residential use is based on the area average of the neighborhood where the unit(s) are to be built. All other uses, such as business, industrial, agricultural, or institutional uses, are based on consumption estimates done by the district or on information provided by the applicant.

The amount of water purchased at the time of application, based on consumption estimates, becomes the water entitlement for the property. If we determine at a later date that actual consumption is exceeding the entitlement, additional connection fees will be assessed to increase the property's entitlement, or the consumption will have to be reduced to the level consistent with the existing entitlement.

All water purchases are subject to the fees in effect at the time of the purchase. it is very important that the information requested by, and submitted to, the district be as accurate as possible.

Additional Potential Costs to the Customer

In addition to the fees, a customer may incur other costs when installing a new water service or when increasing the size of an existing water meter:

  • Installation of a backflow prevention assembly: Costs associated with purchasing/installing required backflow prevention assembly.
  • Landscape plan review: Costs associated with hiring a landscape architect to prepare and submit materials to comply with the landscape plan review process.
  • Installation of high-efficiency water-using fixtures: Costs to ensure fixtures (i.e., toilets, urinals, dishwashers, etc.) meet water conservation standards.